Communication skills workshop

Good communication skills are a key element of business today. To do this, you need to engage well with your colleagues, team, customers and stakeholders to get your message across. Indeed, this is essential whether this is proposals, plans, budgets, recovery actions, self-defence or purely dissemination of information. Moreover, if you communicate well then you are able to influence people effectively, motivate them towards their goals and inspire the confidence that you can achieve them.During this communications skills workshop, you will learn techniques for overcoming nerves, planning and constructing effective speeches and presentations, and making maximum positive impact. In addition, we include what is appropriate in different situations including how to handle impromptu communications. Finally, there will be an opportunity to practice these skills and ask questions about communication problems you may have experienced in the past.

Communication Skills workshop outline

  • (Before the workshop) – prepare a 1 minute icebreaker and 3-5 minute presentation
  • Overcoming nerves
  • Introductory icebreakers (filmed)
  • Different types of presentation
  • Planning, Preparation and Practice
  • Organisation, Structure and Timing
  • Storytelling, rhetoric and narrative techniques
  • Vocal Variety
  • Body Language
  • Props (including PowerPoint)
  • Work on your presentation
  • Giving and getting feedback
  • Presentations (filmed)
  • Group feedback
  • (Optional) a DVD of your icebreaker and presentation

This is part of our management 2020 training programme that can be delivered as:

  • Internal training where we can tailor the workshop to your specific requirements
  • External training shared between several different organisations where you can benefit from other organisations experience

Contact me to discuss a communication skills workshop or call Jacqui Hogan on 01494 680997.